One family in Christ

Understanding the world

We plan and provide a range of experiences to support children develop the skills, knowledge and understanding which will help them to make sense of the world around them.

Children are encouraged to explore and investigate their surroundings; handle new materials, experiment, describe, compare, discuss, predict and share their thinking. Outside the children are learning about the needs of living things by planting and growing, going on mini-beast hunts and observing seasonal changes. We also have bird and butterfly houses in our investigation area.

Cooking is a regular activity and provides a focus for children to observe changes which take place when ingredients are mixed together, heated or cooled. We use this as an opportunity to reinforce hygiene and safety and raise the children's awareness of healthy foods and eating.

Technology such as ipads, beebots, aliens and a listening station are available for the children to select and use for different purposes. 

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