One family in Christ

Subject Overview

Every class teacher (excluding newly qualified staff) leads an area of the curriculum. Teachers have a passion for their subjects and enthuse others with their specialist knowledge and understanding. 


Subject leaders have considered the intent of their curriculum: The framework for setting out the aims of a programme of education, including the knowledge and skills to be gained at each stage.

They have considered the rationale behind what we teach and when we teach it, and why. 

Subject leaders ensure coverage of the curriculum is planned for and delivered. They monitor their subject closely and provide continued professional development to ensure that all staff have the knowledge and skills to teach each area of the curriculum accurately and enthusiastically.

Subject leaders

2023 - 24 subject leads are:

RE: Mrs L. Campbell

Relationship and Health Education: Mrs R. Hickman

Literacy: Miss L. McGuigan

Maths: Mrs R. Smillie

Wider Curriculum Lead: Mrs R. Smillie

Science: Miss R. Pinto

History: Miss N. Hockey

Geography: Mrs z. Tillat

Art and Design: Miss S. Ilyas and Miss N. Hockey

Design and Technology: Mrs Z. Tillat

Computing: Miss R. Pinto

MFL: Miss S. Ilyas

PE: Mr C. Hickman (Sports Leader)

Music: Rochdale Music Service

Forest School: Mrs K. Hodgkinson

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