One family in Christ

School Day

School starts at 8.50am and ends at 3pm


Gates open for Y1 - Y6 at 8.45am and children begin to enter the school building with staff at 8.50am.

Gates close at 8.55am and all children are in the building by this time.  Any child arriving after 8.55am is late and needs to be brought, by their parent/carer, to the main office and signed in. 

Children finish at 3pm. After-school club is available until 4pm.



Doors open at 8.50am and close at 9am. 

Nursery finish at 12pm and Reception finish at 3pm. 


Please ensure that your child is on time and ready for learning. Breakfast club is available from 8am for all children. 


Any late arrivals come to the office and need to be signed in by their parent please. Punctuality is very important and the register the taken at 8.50am-8.55am. Please ensure you communicate any difficulties in getting in on time to staff, as we may be able to help. 


Total school hours per week = 30hrs and 50 minutes. 




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