Seeds and Gardeners
This is a new project we are starting in school in 2024-25.
We are going to ‘buddy up’ a Year 6 child with a child in EYFS. The Reception child is the 'seed' and the Y6 child is the 'Gardener'. The relationship begins even before the youngest child starts school.
The aim is to provide the newest children in school with positive role models who will guide, support and nurture them as they settle into school life and throughout their first year. For the older children, it gives them a sense of responsibility and encourages them to live out our school value: love.
The idea of the older children being the gardeners nurturing the young ‘seedlings’ fits beautifully with our mission statement of 'One family in Christ'.
During the course of the year, the children will take part in activities that develop their friendship and each other’s learning. This year the children will share some worship time together, sports events, some playtimes and support each other’s reading.