One family in Christ



Space. Spring 2

Our forth topic is ‘Space’. During this topic we will be learning about the history of space travel, we will learn about key dates and key events that were involved in travelling to space and the first man landing on the moon. We will learn about Neil Armstrong, who he and why he was important. We will briefly learn about the names of planets, but focus on planet Earth and learn about how it has hot and cold areas and the equator. We will then go on to paint a space scene using watercolours. We will explore hot and coldcolors and learn about how we can use watercolours to create background washed and to create details.    

Travel and transport. Spring 1 

Our third topic this year is ‘travel and transport’. During this topic we will start off by exploring the history of transport. We will learn about who invented the first areophane and who invented the first car. We will learn about key dates and the names of the people, significant individuals, who invented these, will then make comparison with what transport looked like in the past and what it looks like now.

Pollution. Autumn 2

Our second topic this year is ‘Pollution’. During our first lesson, we will look at what pollution is and what causes pollution. We will explore the history of plastic, who invented it, when it was invented and how in the present day it is causing problem in terms of pollution. We will explore how plastic pollution is affecting the oceans and seas. We will link this to our geography lesson and learn about the names of the five oceans of the world. we will think about how we can help and protect the ocean and how we can reduce pollution. We will then go on to design our own composting device.

Toys Autumn 1

Our first topic this year is Toys. During our first lesson, we thought about the question ‘did toys look the same in the past?’ we agreed that toys looked different in the past. We looked at some images of toys from the past, in particular we looked at dolls from the past and we looked at the doll that belonged Queen Victoria. We then went on to learn a little about Queen Victoria, who she was, when she lived, and what time period in history she lived in. We then linked this history  with our geography lessons and explored where Victoria lived. We looked at the world map and identified the UK, when then went on to name and locate the four countries of the United Kingdom and learned the names of the capital cities. We will continue to explore the topic ‘toys’ by designing and making our own Victorian dolls using pegs









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