One family in Christ



This half term, the children will be exploring the science topic, 'Light'. They will create a bank of investigate questions that we will aim to answer throughout the topic. The children will be using lots of resources to understand that light travels in straight lines. They will discover how objects are seen and discover how light travels from light sources to our eyes. In Forest School, the children will be experimenting with torches to explore reflection and shadows.


During Autumn 2, the children will build on what they learned in Year 4. The children will construct simple series circuits, to help them to answer questions about what happens when they try different components, for example, switches, bulbs, buzzers and motors. They will learn how to represent a simple circuit in a diagram using recognised symbols. By the end of the topic, the children will be able to associate the brightness of a lamp or the volume of a buzzer with the number and voltage of cells in a circuit! We will be uploading vidoes of our progress throughout.


                                                'Inheritance and Evolution'

During Spring 1, the children will be focusing on Inheritance and Evolution. The children will discuss living things and their offspring, focusing on suitable environments and differnet ways that adaptation may leads to evolution. We will be working scientifically to recognise things have changed over time, focusing on fossils living us information about living things that inhabitated the Earth millions of years ago.


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