One family in Christ


heartWithin Literacy lessons, we focus all of our work around a text. This means that all of our reading and writing that we do, is based around the characters and the settings that we are learning about. Below is a little information about what we have been up to in Literacy! Please check the images below which link to the information here smiley

heart The Queen's Token - by Pamela Oldfield

In our first half term, we will be reading 'The Queen's Token' by Pamela Oldfield. This book is set in the Tudor times and is about a young stable boy with big dreams. We will do range of Year 3 grammar work based on this book including using subordinating conjunctions, using co-ordinating conjunctions, using expanded noun phrases and using different punctuation with accuracy. We will work towards writing a range of extended pieces of writing including a character description, a diary entry and an informal letter.



heart The Iron Man - by Ted Hughes

Our next text is ‘The Iron Man’ by Ted Hughes. In this unit, we will be working towards a range of extended writing, including a non-chronological report, a newspaper report and a letter of apology. We will focus on different grammar features including using inverted commas, subordinating conjunctions, using pronouns and fronted adverbials.


heartCan you read 100 books before you leave St John's?

In Key Stage 1 and 2 we have begun our reading for pleasure challenge! Hundreds of brand new books have been bought for us to enjoy! We have our very own booklets where we tick off each exciting book we read and rate them out of 5 stars. Key stage 2 children have the extra challenge of having to review each book they enjoy. In celebration assembly each week, each class will have a 'golden reader' chosen by the class teacher.

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